Abuse From Trans Activists Continues, and Encouraged by Institutions

Threatening trans activist

December 07 2021

March 26 2024

Posted by DavidC


Trans women have a tough journey. Some Trans women abuse feminists (women) and these Trans women abusers have access to women only spaces. This is a risk to women's safety. Big enterprises and big names support the Trans activist. If you challenge the trans person you will be cancelled. This is clearly wrong.

The Transgender Woke Movement, and Free Speech Despots


The transgender community has a tough time. I cannot imagine the torment that a trans person must endure from transphobic people. There are some nasty people out there.

Sadly the trans community has been hijacked by some of these nasty people. An intolerant, angry and woke mob of militant insurgents, otherwise known as The trans activist (TRA).

By their own mantra, the Trans Activist wants to 'eliminate discrimination and violence against transgender people'.

How ironic when you consider a random case where a woman is being attacked by these TRA monsters.

Trans activists are supported by the ‘wokerati’ (a label that I attribute to Toby Young) that pervades the nervous media, retail and learning establishments, and of course our government and a growing number of industries, who are all too afraid to do anything other than wholeheartedly support the abuse meted out by the trans activists.

The TRA will proudly destroy the careers of academics, celebrities and many others who have an opinion that conflicts with their own narrow-minded ideology.

And the activist continues these campaigns despite there being a very clear and obvious conflict between the rights of biological women, and the belief by the TRAs that a trans woman in a male body must also be recognised as being a woman.

So, a biological male for example should be recognised as female, and have access to private women only spaces, among many other conflicting consequnces for women.

In order for the trans activist to force their agenda, they will bully the feminists who are simply continuing their relentless fight against men for respect and equality.

The trans activist will intimidate, threaten, verbally abuse and in some cases physically assault the women who stand up for their natural gender.

If you were to search images online relating to TRAs, you will not have to look far to see disturbing examples of the shock tactics being used against women.

Anyone who dares to support women and the feminists among them by criticising the TRA will be 'cancelled'

The TRA and their herd of supporters take great pride in seeing the casualties of their campaigns ‘cancelled’ in their relentless wake.

The saddest consequence of the behaviour of the TRA is the damage that is being done to the reputation and lives of all trans people, who themselves want to be accepted and respected. The TRA campaigns only distort the plight of the trans people among us by association.

Instead of an open and fair debate, we are being forced to take sides and defend our views from the bullying tactics of the trans movement. But at least this fiery debate separates those among us who can think rationally for themselves with respect for all people regardless of their gender identity, and the trans activist and their blinkered followers.

It is truly shocking that in 2022 women are still having to fight against men for their identity, respect and freedom from abuse.   

So, what exactly are the base issues that cause the trans community, but more specifically the trans activists, to be in conflict with the rest of the world?

Well, it starts with two simple questions that the trans right's activists are excitedly giddy about, because no one is prepared to answer them honestly:

  • What is a woman?
  • Can a woman have a penis?


What is a woman?


How complicated can it be to answer this simple question?

Not complicated at all, we will start with the definition of 'woman' (this is what we have been reduced to by the trans mob (not to mention the LGBTQ+XYZ)

So here we go...

What is a woman?

Answer: An adult female person.

There, that wasn’t tricky at all was it?

So, on to the next question, and then we can start to wrap this nonsense up and move on.


Can a woman have a penis?

Yes, I know this the most absurd question. Who would ever have to wonder what the answer to this question is? There are people out there that do.

This was the question put to Sir Keir Starmer. Sadly Starmer was too afraid to answer this question, so we shall do so for him? and for all the politicians and industry leaders who are also too scared to acknowledge some simple facts in support of women?

Can a woman have a penis?

This question (bear with us, it is bonkers I know!) will be answered here. Drum roll...

Question: Can a woman have a penis?

Answer: no, because an adult female person does not have a penis.

Wow, that was easy.

Labour’s Angela Rayner was also asked this question, and responded perfectly to what is a degrading question that ‘debases’ the whole subject of gender identity.

None of this is suggesting in any way that an adult male cannot identify as female. It simply means that a woman is a woman, and a trans woman is a trans woman.

Aby Hawker has a site that gives us some guidelines on how to navigate the ‘trans debate’.

Aby's site provides a fairly concise list of facts about being transgender, until you get to the question of whether a trans woman is a woman.

Aby predictably responds with yes, of course, which is disappointing and plainly wrong.

A man cannot simply qualify himself as a woman if he wants to. Among many other things, this denigrates women and does what men have done for centuries, wanting to dominate and control women. The man can however qualify as a trans woman.


The Trans Activist Hypocricy and the Damage to Trans Communities


In the world of the trans activist, free speech only applies to them. No individual outside of their warped ‘activist’ alliance is allowed an oppsing voice or opinion. This is one of the many fundamental flaws in the trans activist's woke ideology.

And this flaw will be damaging to the reputation of all the institutions who flock to support the trans movement in its current form, and who pander to the trans activist.

Trans activist bully who is this creep?The trans journey is hard enough, and it needs to have credible representation to support what is a challenging journey. The trans community is not helped in its struggle by the thugs that are becoming the face of the trans movement.

And we must recognise that the trans community have many frightening challenges to deal with.

But despite this, women and the feminists among them have a right to free speech and safety. The actions of the trans movement are in direct conflict with this, and worryingly so.

There are a growing number of incidents where trans women assault women. One example from a few years back is that of a TRA who calls himself Tara Wolf, who was convicted of assaulting 61 year old feminist Maria Machlaclan in Hyde Park in 2017. 

How can a man, regardless of their gender identity, consider it acceptable to physically assault a woman?

And this represents the second fundamental flaw in trans ideology - violence against women. 

Again, this violence against a woman by Wolf becomes the damaging face of the trans movement.

Wolf and other trans women like him are supported by some powerful brands, such as Amnesty International, who have predictably taken sides with this violent mob on the grounds that a trans person has human rights too. Of course they do, but so do women.

I am curious to understand how Amnesty International are able to reconcile their own position on human rights by supporting the abuse of women?

Amnesty International have a campaign highlighting the desperate plight of Nasrin Sotoudeh in Iran, which we should all support, but they cannot recognise that women are being abused much closer to home.

It doesn't stop there for Amnesty International.

An annual conference by FiLiA (meaning 'daughter', which is a Women-led Volunteer organisation and part of the Women’s Liberation Movement) was held fairly recently in Portsmouth.

The FiLiA conference was attended by 1100 women, all united in their desire to end male violence and oppression of women and girls. This conference was disrupted by a group of men, identifying as trans women, who acted in the most vile way you could possibly imagine. The placards and chants were that of subhuman beings, vulgar to the very extreme and clearly intended to shock. These TRAs are, quite simply, obscene individuals.

The most shocking aspect of this disturbing behaviour by the trans mob in Portsmouth was that people like this exist at all, and are walk among us (albeit with sore knuckles). These TRAs rank up there with racists and paedophiles, and once again they all sadly represent the trans movement.

Amnesty International supported this obscene display from the trans activists.

It seems apparent that there are many people who are as unpleasant as Wolf and the men who attempted to disrupt the FiLiA conference in Portsmouth. TRAs like these represent everything that is wrong with trans movement.

But instead of being regarded as a disruptive minority, they have become the representatives of trans people.


Safe Spaces for Women and the Cotton Ceiling


When we talk about safety for women, this means all women. Feminists, women against feminism, lesbians.

The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy have a very clear and fair statement on Transphobia in the UK’s VAW Sector. Violence against women is a serious concern. It must not become a byproduct of the militant element among the trans movement.

“Simply put, it is unethical to pursue equality for some when it comes at the expense and exclusion of others.”

And there is an uncomfortable consequence for lesbian women.

Some lesbians are under pressure from trans women for sex, and this is generally referred to as the cotton ceiling. Some trans women refuse to accept that some lesbians do not want an intimate relationship with them.

Cassie Brighter implies in her opinionated article The Often Midunderstood Premise of the Cotton Ceiling that lesbians who do not want sex with a trans woman are bigots, or that they hold a prejudice.

As a heterosexual male I am not qualified to do anything other than have an opinion. And I have an opinion which is based on common sense - a lesbian woman will not want an intimate relationship with a man. It therefore follows that some lesbian women will not want an intimate relationship with a trans woman for the same reason.

This is not bigotry, or prejudice. It’s biology.

So here we are, with trans activists threatening and assaulting women who are merely exercising their right to free speech, and trans women pressuring lesbian women into sex.

Stonewall, who have a responsibility to be a rational and faiir spokesperson in representing the trans community, have the following definition of whether a lesbian woman can have a trans woman as a partner:

So, could a lesbian have a trans woman as a lesbian partner, or a gay man be with a trans man?

Of course – if they fancy each other! First and foremost, we need to recognise that trans women are women, and trans men are men. After that it becomes a matter of who you are attracted to. Adults are free to have relationships with other consenting adults, whatever their sexual orientation or gender identity. Trans people have the same range of sexual orientations as cis people, and there are many trans lesbians and gay trans men.

What utter nonsense, and how absurdly superficial this statement is.

Although it is quite predictable that Stonewall's contribution to this crisis for the trans community is so inadequate (they have a poor track record themselves, with companies leaving its Stonewall Diversity Champions programme because of their support for Trans activists), it is even more disappointing that Stonewall are so blinkered in their support for a militant faction instead of recognising that women are at risk, and protecting the individuals that are the LGBTQ+ community.

This is a sensitive issue that needs more than just the crude dialogue from the pro-trans commentators. Simply put, a man is not a woman simply because they identify as female. And once again, this is not bigotry or prejudice, it is biology.

This becomes especially worrying when you consider that trans women are being sent to women only environments because of this notion that they are all women. This is a risk to women, and has resulted in a campaign to Keep Prisons Single Sex, which was established in 2020 to try and address this risk.

But why do campaigns to protect women from men need to be initiated in the first place, when the risk to women's safety is so obvious? 

The following statement reflects the statistics for the number of sexual offences recorded by transgender prisoners between March and April 2019:

"81 out of 163 trans prisoners sentenced for one or more sexual crimes. 40 of those for rape and 10 for attempted rape plus 47 for crimes involving children."

The risk from some trans women abusing women is real.

Stephen Wood trans woman rapistStephen Wood is a man who identifies as female.

His trans woman name is Karen White, and you can see the two persona in these images.

This man sexually assaulted women while in prison.

So you have to ask yourself, a man, despite his gender identity, in a womens prison.

Is that safe? 

You can't make this nonsense up, and apparently it is wrong to challenge scenarios like these without being cancelled.

Stephen Wood is apparently allowed to claim his gender identity, that is his right. He is then allowed to be a serious risk to women.

Stephen Wood abuses women because he is a part of that entitled gender community, and he is not the only man to violate women by using gender identity. Joss Prior is another of these vile men, along with a host of others.

As you can see from the link above, these men have a total disregard and distain for women, and yet they want to identify as female. Quite bizarre, but frightening that these people are supported by Stonewall and other significant organisations. 


Who are the Cancel Culture despots of free speech?


Who are these cancel culture vultures that bully professionals from their jobs, and cancel any celebrity that dares to have an opinion of their own?

And who are the institutions that support this?

The list is growing. We have already mentioned Stonewall, Amnesty International, and there is the Open University, and the University College Union...the list seems endless.

The appalling treatment of Kathleen Stock is a case in point. The cancelling of an academic targeted and forced from her professional role because she dare have an opinion.

Kathleen Stock was Professor of philosophy at the University of Sussex. She was forced from her role by a group of thugs who call themselves AntiTerfSussex. At the time of writing this, AntiTerfSussex have 1656 likeminded and misguided followers, and describe themselves as ‘queer and trans activists’, who object to the right of free speech unless it is their own voice (I added that last bit for clarity).

Terf, in case you didn’t know, is a derogatory term meaning trans-exclusionary radical feminist. That is, women who value their gender’s rights.

The trans movement uses this term frequently in their verbal assault on women.

Anti Terf Sussex bulliesAntiTerfSussex posted this picture on Instagram. It shows them demonstrating against Kathleen Stock, demanding that she be removed from her position at the university.

As you can see, they have hidden their identities to avoid any harassment to themselves online. How ironic and pathetic.

But it is far more sinister than a group of idiots hiding behind smiley faces. The trans movement intimidates and threatens those outside their domain with violence.

The trans debate is a heady combination of the right for self-identification to establish gender identity; the abuse from the Trans activists towards women; the UK Gender Recognition Act; and the rights for women, that are still being degraded by this latest wave of male oppression from the trans woman.

Kathleen Stock has been open in her opinions on gender identity and the need for women to feel safe from trans women. This is not an unreasonable position for any woman to take. Her book, Material Girls, addresses the issues between sex, gender and feminism. Kathleen Stock is very knowledgeable on this subject.

The trans community must be accepted, safe and included. And women must be safe in places where they may feel vulnerable mixing with males.

The University of Sussex supported Ms Stock and her right to free speech, and to do so without being threatened with physical violence by AntiTerfSussex and other activists.

It was the University College Union who extended their solidarity and support to the AntiTerfSussex morons. The UCU supported the bullying and intimidation of Kathleen Stock.

In doing so, the UCU is failing its own, and it is not the first time.

The UCU, trying to justify its support for a militant and threatening mob, urged the university’s management to “take a clear and strong stance against transphobia at Sussex”, and undertake an investigation into “institutional transphobia”.

In other words, they are conveniently dismissing the views of Kathleen Stock as being transphobic, and ignoring the validity of her position on the subject.

Kathleen Stock was physically threatened for her views, and the UCU were happy to support this abuse.

As with all trade unions, UCU are a militant mob themselves. You only need to glance at the University College Union website to see the anger simmering not far beneath the surface.

The UCU claim to represent “over 130,000 academics, lecturers, trainers, instructors, researchers, managers, administrators, computer staff, librarians and postgraduates in universities, colleges, prisons, adult education and training organisations across the UK.”

And let us remind ourselves that the UCU has a mandate to support the academic freedom of speech and furthering education.

The UCU need to decide who they want to represent. Do they represent their fee paying members like Kathleen Stock, or do they represent a bunch of ignorant AntiTerfSussex thugs?

And most recently, Social Work England are targeting Rachel Meade for her legitimate views


The Casualties of the Cancel Culture Vultures


There are many good people who have had the vile treatment from the woke trans activist movement. Like Jo Phoenix, Professor of Criminology at the Open University, who also dared voice her opinion.

Jo has been researching sex, gender and justice for two decades, and commented that that male-bodied prisoners should not be in female prisons. Any normal, bright individual would accept this as a valid point of view.

But Jo predictably had to endure the abuse from the trans community demanding her to be silenced. She has now resigned from Open University who took the safe and comfortably woke position, and will taking Open University to an employment tribunal. Please support Jo Phoenix in her campaign.

Open University is yet another establishment blinded by this fashionable woke trend. Supporting militants at the expense of its own.

The list of people being cancelled is inevitably growing because no one it seems can stop the bigoted trans activist movement from silencing those with conflicting views.

Graham Linehan, who was himself cancelled by the entitled trans activists and had his Twitter account permanently removed, has a wonderful site called The Glinner Update, which I encourage you to subscribe to. He holds no punches, and it is refreshing and encouraging to hear a powerful voice that challenges cancel culture.

Two more victims of the campus trans bullies, to give you an idea of how the university campus is a breeding ground for activists to force academics from their roles:


How do you Stop The Trans Bullies?


The Policy Exchange should be a supporting voice for the academics that are routinely abused by the free speech trans despots.

But still events at universities are cancelled, preceded by abuse and intimidation.

Universities such as Reading seem to tolerate bullying by students. One such student at Reading abused Professor Rosa Freedman outside the students’ union, shouting at the academic that she was a “transphobic Nazi who should get raped”.

This sort of behaviour from any student must surely be considered unacceptable by Reading University? I’m sure his parents must be proud.

These incidents remind us that students may be exploring their ideologies, but are ignorant to acceptable boundaries. Verbal and physical abuse is not allowed. When you have established yourself as a person in the real world then you can challenge others. 

Students and trans-gender activists will continue using these tactics while they are condoned (and in some cases positively encouraged) by organisations like the University College Union, The Open University, Stonewall, Reading University and many more.

As if we haven't already seen enough examples of abuse from trans women and the risk that this presents to women, here is a trans male who identifies as female racially abusing a Starbucks customer

Despite the militant thugs that exists among trans activists, there are trans women who support women’s rights.

Debbie Hayton says of the trans activists who attacked Kathleen Stock, “They remind me of football hooligans in the 1980’s”, and how true.

Debbie Hayton is the reasoned and intelligent voice of the trans movement and of gender identity.

Womans Place was set up to address the implication on women and girls of shared single sex spaces, wanting the principle of women only spaces to be upheld. And also the impact of the proposed gender recognition act. This is especially important to debate in light of examples of the trans men mentioned in this article.

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