The BBC Hates Jews and Israel

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November 18 2023

November 24 2023

Posted by admin


The BBC, a UK broadcaster, is anti-semitic. They have consistently supported the Palestinians. The BBC does not acknowledge Israel or the Jewish population, who suffered terribly on 7/10.

The BBC is a UK broadcaster, I am sure you have heard about them!

You would expect a corporation such as the BBC to be a bedrock of journalism, but sadly not.

They are consumed by the modern world of wokeism. The BBC it seems must appeal to the youngsters on their iPhones and the other mindless idiots who are all rallying around in support of Palestinians.

The BBC should be reporting the war between Israel and the terrorists without bias. But the BBC hates Israel, and they hate Jews.

On October 7th 2023 innocent Israeli civilians - young people enjoying a concert, women, children and babies, were murdered and mutilated by Hamas terrorists. To any decent person this is too shocking to comprehend.  

The BBC ignores this, and refuses to acknowledge that Hamas are terrorists.

The BBC are anti-Semitic and pander to the pro-Palestinian cause.

This is one of many examples of the BBC culture, proving that they hate Jews, Victoria Debyshire from the BBC interviews the Israeli ex-PM 

The BBC must change, but of course they will not. All we can do is not pay our license fee.

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