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Ukraine: We support the people of Ukraine, and their hero Zelenskyy

March 04 2022

December 04 2022

The people of The Ukraine are an inspiration. And they need our support. The people of the Ukraine can see that the World is supporting their fight against the evil that is Vladimir Putin. But Ukrainians are losing their lives. The actions of Putin and his tin soldiers is barbaric. And this is what defines Russia as a nation, barbaric and vile. And this is all happening because Vladimir Putin cannot accept that Ukraine is a civilised and independent country that wants to move beyond its soviet era past. I pray that the days of Vladimir Putin are numbered. He has no place in a civilised world. No single individual should have the power to send tens of thousands of troops in to another European country to murder innocent civilians. And like the coward that Vladimir Putin is, he will cower in a bunker somewhere while his Ukrainian counterpart is showing what true leadership is. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the mighty president of Ukraine, who knows what it is to be a true leader, a person who cares. He will defend his country from the fascist Putin, and move his country forward. He is so much more of a man than Vladimir Putin. Putin has taken Russia back a century, probably more. Russia is the new pariah. The last time we saw this vile destruction and killing of humans from an invasion of a European country was from Adolf Hitler. Perhaps Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler are the same person? We will do what we can to help Ukraine defeat the wicked forces of Russia. They will not succeed in destroying Ukraine.



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