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Ukraine: The World Supports Ukraine

March 25 2022

January 18 2023

The pictures from Ukraine are shocking and the vile Russian army are beyond despicable.

We all now know that Vladimir Putin is a war criminal. His army kills innocent people. Why would the Russian army for example destroy a haven for civilians sheltering from the Russian onslaught in Mariupol?

Not to mention the ongoing continual onslaught from Putin on Ukraine's towns and cities.

Well, they perform these atrocities because the Russians are barbarians. And this is all thanks to Vladimir Putin.

The Russians must be stopped. What is happening in Ukraine is beyond anything that we should expect to see in the 21st century.

Innocent Ukrainians who, like us in the rest of Europe, should be safe. Something that we all take for granted.

But Vladimir Putin's Russia is destroying this life and he is murdering civilians.

We know that Putin and his croneys have stolen billions of rouble's from his country. These self appointed leaders are allowed to benefit from government run businesses, a reward for their support for Vladimir Putin.

So why do the Russian people not challenge these so called elite leaders ? I appreciate that in the corrupt and ruthless world of the ex-KGB, it is probably wise to remain fairly quiet, if you value your life.

Right now we must focus our efforts on the safety and wellbeing of the Ukrainian people. They have been decimated by the onslaught from Russia, and there are far too many horrifying Russian atrocities to mention here.

We must support Ukraine with all of our might, and its powerful leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who makes Putin look feeble.



Anonymous Jan. 18, 2023, 7:29 p.m.

The Ukraine must defeat the vile Putin and Russian army.

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