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Russia: The Vile Putin Ideology

April 12 2022

May 09 2023

Russia is despised by the world, except China, who have their own demons.

The invasion by Russia, more specifically the little despot Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, of an independent country in Europe has all the hallmarks of the Nazi invasions by Adolf Hitler.

Has the world not learned any lessons in the past 100 years?

Hitler and Putin kill innocent people.

So we have a new 'Hitler' in the form of Vladimir Putin, who has now murdered not only his own people, but also the innocent population of the Ukraine.

Putin does not care for any human suffering.

There is clear evidence of genocide and mass graves, and Putin will one day be held accountable for his crimes.

Putin's army kills tortures and rapes women, pregnant women and children. He cares nothing for these vile actions, and this is the measure of the little man.

Let us also recognise the wicked members of Putin's inner circle. These are equally horrific characters who help Putin deceive the people of Russia, hiding the truth of his barbaric actions. 

Vladimir Putin's closest domestic allies are political figures who support his policies and initiatives, and who hold key positions in the Russian government. Some of his closest domestic allies include:

  1. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev
  2. Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin
  3. Chief of Staff Anton Vaino
  4. Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev
  5. Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko

These individuals hold influential positions in the government and have been instrumental in implementing Putin's agenda.

Nikolai Patrushev is Putin's closest ally, but we also have Dimitry Peskov, who seems to be able to afford a luxurious lifestyle for him and his wife

We then have Maria Zakharova, and Margarita Simonyan who is another parasite that feeds of the Russian people.

Entering the higher earners who have had the pleasure of supporting Putin and getting handsomely rewarded are Arkady Rotenberg, worth an estimated $3.2B; Sergei Pavlovich Roldugin; Ramzan Kadyrov who is a Chechen politician with about $100M to his name, seemingly gained by stealing subsidies meant for Chechnya.

And the high rollers, who have obscene wealth beyond anything that they could have amassed without being handed government run businesses -  Roman Abramovich ($11.2B), Gennadiy Timchenko ($15.7B), Alisher Usmanov ($16B), Vagit Alekperov ($16.4B), Andrey Melnichenko ($16.4B), Vladimir Potanin ($16.5B), Leonid Mikhelson ($18.2B), Vladimir Lisin ($19B), Aleksey Mordashov ($19.6B).

Those 9 Russians alone have a combined wealth of $149 Billion. If you include Vladimir Putin, who has an estimated wealth of about $70B, the wealth of these 10 men rises to a staggering $220 Billion. And there are quite a few more Russian billionaires that are not mentioned here. 

We know that Putin and his cronies have stolen billions of rouble's from his country. These self appointed leaders are allowed to benefit from government run businesses, a reward for their support for Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin has afforded these very wealthy people lucrative connections with state owned industry. Oil and gas, banking, you name it, they steal it.

Corruption is woven into the modern Russian culture, it is a way of life in the country. If you want to get on in Russia, you need to be a crook, like Putin. Russia ranks 137th (out of 180 countries) in the corruption scale. To put this in to some sort of perspective, Denmark ranks 1st with a score of 90 out of 100, making it the least corrupt nation. Russia scores a meagre 28 out of 100, making it a very corrupt nation.

Russia is in decline because of Putin.

It is imperative that countries around the world do whatever is necessary to support the innocent people of the Ukraine, and to prevent the foul Russian culture from spreading.

The Russian monster must never be allowed to succeed in its war against Ukraine.



Anonymous Feb. 10, 2023, 11:05 a.m.

While Putin is running the country, Russia will never earn the respect that the people of the country deserve!

Anonymous Feb. 21, 2023, 7:01 p.m.

How can the Russian people be so dumb to accept the lies from government?

Anonymous April 8, 2023, 5:55 p.m.

Putin is a threat to humanity. What a great legacy for the dictator!

Anonymous April 25, 2023, 6:43 p.m.

Putin must not be allowed to be that person that extinguishes the human race, because he has a mental condition.

Anonymous May 3, 2023, 6:54 p.m.

Putin claims an assassination attempt, despite being responsible for many thousands of deaths, both Ukrainian innocent people, and his own Russian's. He is bothered by an assassination attempt? The sooner Putin is killed the better the world will be.

Anonymous May 9, 2023, 6:06 p.m.

When will Russia stop abusing the world?

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