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Russia: Despised by the world

March 02 2022

January 04 2023

Russia is a country that is despised by the world. and all because of one rather pathetic and insecure little man called Vladimir Putin. A crook, gangster and madman.

Vladimir Putin is responsible for murdering innocent Ukrainians, and sending many of his own people to their death. How could any person live with this?

And how exactly does Vladimir Putin justify this horrific slaughter?

Vladimir Putin has blood on is hands, but the killing of women and children is not something that Putin has any concern for.

His victims may be innocently queuing to buy bread, or sheltering from the Russian army's onslaught. It matters not to Putin, he will kill anyone he can in the Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin is guilty of war crimes, and more.

We all support the people of Ukraine, and will do whatever we can to help Ukraine defend themselves from the despot Vladimir Putin. This is one man's personal crusade, and many people are paying the horrific price.

I promise to do what I can to help.



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