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RMT: To hell with the customer!

November 08 2016

January 04 2023

The RMT Union has shown us all that it is content to abuse its duty for the public, the people that pay for their services.

The RMT do this routinely, and they punish the people who work hard to make i living, making life for the working population quite miserable.

Are the RMT wrong to strike, with the impact that it inflicts on the working population?

Perhaps they are. 

The average salary of workers involved in the RMT strikes is £44K. 

But this includes the RMT workers who earn far less than the avergare salary of £44K pa.

Mick Lynch of the RMT is quite right to campaign for his workforce to be rewarded fairly.

But he must also conside the NHS nurses and paramedics have been neglected by our government for a long time (for ever).

While our government (leaders, apparently) live in opulence.

I support he RMT, but I also worry for the NHS workforce, who need the same representation.

The real people who make this country work need to be acknowleged by this UK government. 



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