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Conservative Party: The Lost Party

November 08 2022

February 03 2023

Politicians from the British Conservative party are an unpleasant bunch. You would not really want to engage socially with any politician, they are arrogant and they lie. Not a great characteristic in any person I think you'll agree.

Despite all that, for every UK election that I have submitted my vote, it was for the Conservative party. I am not ashamed of that, until now.

The UK has been in turmoil since Boris Johnson was forced from his position as Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative party by a festering, selfish and misguided group of Conservative party MPs.

Rishi Sunak is now the British Prime Minister, but not before Liz Truss destroyed confidence in the UK and resigned as Prime Minister after it became apparent that she was inept.

It now seems obvious to me that Liz was simply content with qualifying for her lifetime annual payment of £115,000 as an ex-prime minister. It is criminal.

Neither Rishi nor Liz were voted in by the British people. They conveniently ‘assumed the position’ without having to do anything. Not even an interview!

For all of Boris' faults, he worked hard as the Prime Minister for Great Britain during the most challenging of times, despite his misjudgements.

We have now entered a farcical episode in British politics.

The consequence of Liz Truss' brief term in office has been devastating, and we are all having to deal with the consequence of our failing currency and the uncertainty that inevitably follows.

I search for an excuse to vote for the British Labour party. They are tarnished by their association with anti-semites and the Unions, who themselves are dominated by bloated and hypocritical leaders openly supporting despot Vladimir Putin.

I will not vote for the either of the two leading parties in the UK. I may not vote at all at the next election because despite the privilege that we have as voters, the Conservatives have proven that my vote is worthless. They can override it at any time.



Anonymous Jan. 16, 2023, 6:34 p.m.

I agree with this post

Anonymous Jan. 17, 2023, 8:35 p.m.

The Conservative party have become a joke. I wish Sunak well, but he is just another politician. Politicians are not people that you can trust.

Anonymous Jan. 18, 2023, 7:17 p.m.

I will not vote for the Conservative party again. They have abused their privileged position.

Anonymous Jan. 24, 2023, 7:15 p.m.

Bring back Boris!

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