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Channel4: The Woke Channel

April 05 2023

September 05 2024

Channel4 is most likely the 'wokest' of all broadcasting TV channels in the UK.

When you watch any Channel4 program you will endure the adverts break, which are brutal.

A rainbow perhaps, and 'celebrities' with no talent, advertising Channel4.

If you watch a Channel4 program like King of Queens you will, over time, become conditioned to a disjointed dialogue between the characters.

A sudden gap in the program you are watching, and the audience is laughing hysterically at something that was not said, apparently. Very confusing, frustrating.

This all happens because Channel4 removes content that may offend someone, somewhere. A delicate flower perhaps that needs their assumed gender respected?

Channel4 do whatever they can to be 'cool' and avoid upseting some angry and militant minority.

A message to Channel4 - comedy is not offensive when done respectfully. It is always going to be harsh, and some of your older programs do address delicate topics, but the programs that I have watched do so in a way that mocks the root cause of the controversy.

It is called comedy. 

King of Queens season 6, episode 6, is a case in point. You will not find this episode on Channel4 catch-up (More4) in the UK because it dares to tackle the abomination that is slavery.

If anything, this episode makes the audience consider the subject matter. And any decent human will know that slavery was and still is a vile abuse of human rights.

So why do Channel4 pretend that this most important subject does not exist, because it may offend someone?    

How will future generations learn about the horror of the past if broadcasters like Channel4 sanitise every word and every subject that exists?



Anonymous April 8, 2023, 5:56 p.m.

Stop watching Channel4 in protest!

Anonymous April 10, 2023, 5:59 p.m.

The same with Everybody Loves Raymond season 3 episode 15, Robert dates Judy. You won't find that on Channel4! I'm guessing that the numpties at Channel4 have decide that it is inappropriate and may offend someone. Who!? It is one of the funniest episodes, but it addresses black and white. Get over yourself Channel4!

Anonymous April 15, 2023, 6:28 p.m.

Channel is a basket case, it's ok if you want to watch some random 'celebrity' doing something mundane for Channel4 ratings

Anonymous April 19, 2023, 6:49 p.m.

Woke loser channel4

Anonymous April 23, 2023, 7:21 p.m.

we have to listen to the awful Danny and Dani Dyer duo. I guess if you speak 'cockney' you get accepted by Channel4. Disgusting people.

Anonymous April 24, 2023, 7:10 p.m.

Channel4 have been sucked in by woke!

Anonymous April 25, 2023, 6:04 p.m.

The Dyer's, OMG, how low can you go

Anonymous April 29, 2023, 6:24 p.m.

The Channel4 promo for the horrific 'absolutely Dyer' series makes me throw up. The Dyers are disgusting and simple. The Channel4 narrator does the 'East End' accent. Channel4, you are pathetic.

Anonymous June 20, 2023, 6:11 p.m.

This morning, watching Channel 4, they chopped a chunk out of the program! Because it is going to offend me? I don't think so. Channel 4 are awful!

Anonymous July 6, 2023, 6:39 p.m.

Channel4 are dumbing down our community. They have 'celebrity' something with people who we have never heard of doing something that is degrading. And all to try and boost their viewing figures. This is Channel4 at its very pathetic low.

Anonymous Sept. 8, 2023, 7 p.m.

This channel highlights the sad state of young people today, they give these idiots a platform to promote their uselessness! Gen Z, oh dear, the future looks bleak! Well done Channel 4!!!

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