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Channel4: How low can they go?

August 03 2023

September 05 2023

Channel4, once again posted here, and why? 

Because the channel is oblivious to the audience. They will butcher programmes because they can, and they just assume that no one will notice or complain.

And also because Gen Z is their target audience. To hell with the rest of us. 

Apparently, the Channel4 audience wants to see mind numbing garbage like Love Island. A bunch of young morons with no talent presenting themselves to each other. 

Or perhaps we all want to watch a disturbing documentary about a ficticious meat that is produced from humans? 

Wow, who are you trying to please Channel4 with this junk?

How about giving the viewer something that they can enjoy, and not a viewing experience that YOU think is great.

And I don't mean another lazy series about people's amazing homes, or random people being dumped in the wilderness, or celebrities sitting in front of a TV watching stuff.

The list of trash from Channel4 is a long one.

It is no wonder that viewers are heading in the direction of Netflix, Apple, Amazon and the others. 




Anonymous Aug. 8, 2023, 5:33 p.m.

The Channel4 brand advert after the ads, oh wow, it just had to show two young teenage girls kissing. Unbelievable. Not that two young girls are kissing, but that Channel4 feel compelled to promote this for their credibility!

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