The Good-n-Bad Community

The Good-n-Bad community is built on honesty, accuracy and respect for all. Everything you read here has been fact-checked. Everyone here is equal. There is certainly no Social Media baggage.

Influence Change Through Experience

We are all continually experiencing things and learning from those experiences. It doesn't matter if an experience is Good or Bad, only that we encourage and promote the Good, and influence change to correct the Bad.

You can influence anything you want, and make a positive impact on things around you. We use the term 'entity' to recognise an experience and to associate it with something tangible. It is very likely that your Entity is not on the list, in which case simple request that it be added. We'll do the rest and notify you when it is ready.

Learn from Others

Speakers Corner is what we think of as a learning center. We all have a viewpoint and knowledge to share. By sharing what you know, you help others in our community learn. And you yourself will find the content that others have posted to be informative. It is a form of coaching. Share your passion for any subject in this section.

It will appear within 48 hours.

© Good & Bad Limited 2019
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